The links below contain important safety information for th coerrosion control, surface preparation, and finishing industry. At Clemtex, we take safety very seriously. Please take time to read the pages linked below. Your safety depends on it.
- Crystalline Silica Exposure Health Information OSHA
- Respiratory Protection OSHA 1910.134
- Fit Testing Procedures (Mandatory) OSHA 1910.134 App A
- Respiratory Cleaning Procedures OSHA 1910.134 App B-2
- Spray finishing using flammable and combustible materials 1910.107
- Ventilation OSHA 1910.94
- Scaffolding OSHA 1910.28
- Portable Scaffolding OSHA 1910.28
- Man lifts OSHA 1910.68
- Noise Exposure OSHA 1910.95
- Occupational Exposure to Crystalline Silica
- NPR Silica Sand Article
- TCEQ Surface Coating Compliance Resources
- NFPA 33: Standards for Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustable Materials*
*NFPA Codes & Standards may be viewed for free by creating a login to the website, then clicking the “free access” link.